Q: Do you consider what is in these books to be revelation meant for all? (MB 2-Sep-2018)
A: We firmly believe the information contained in these books to be that of revealed truth. The vision and purpose
behind these books is to help individuals develop a personal relationship with Christ. After reading the books,
you will know the basis behind this relationship is that of consistent prayer. It is a universal tenant of
Christianity that one comes closer to God through prayer. These books support that premise and are meant to
support the readers desire to become one with Christ. That is our mission.
Q: If so, do you claim to be a prophet?
A: A common definition of Prophet is "A person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God."
In order to be considered a prophet, one must be regarded as such. This is not our goal.
Q: Are you a part of a religious organization, or working on your own?
A: We are organized as a religious organization intended to bring others closer to Christ. We are not a church
soliciting membership. We are not affiliated with any other organization. We encourage interface with all others
interested in strengthening their relationship with Christ, regardless of religious affiliation.
Q: Who is the author of these books? (CH 3-Sep-2018)
Q: Can you tell me more about the background of these books? Where did they come from? (DC 18-Jun-2018)
A: We firmly believe these writings to be inspired words that come from Divine through revelation. Many have supported
the work in bringing these truths forward by editing, formatting etc. Every effort made in the creation of these books
has been done in the spirit of revelation.
We credited this work to "Anonymous" for a reason. We wish to give no man
or woman credit or accolade for this work. Please take the truths outlined in these books to prayer and find out for
yourself if what is contained is Divine Truth. If your answer is yes, you will know the author. If it is no, it will not
matter. If you are questioning whether to even purchase the books, I would ask you to take that to prayer. You will know
the best course for you!
Q: What is the reasoning for charging $25 for Christ's words? (BC 26-Aug-2018)
A: The funds are used to offset expenses associated with publishing, editing, printing and distributing the books.
We look forward to a day when commerce between individuals is not solely about money. However, even when you look
back several hundred years in the history of the world, there was always an exchange for something of value. One
person gave two goats in exchange for a cow. A days labor for food etc. This world has always operated in some
form of exchange for something of value. Value for Value. The divine principle is called Equal Energetic Exchange.
Even in Christ's days upon the earth, the food he ate and the shelter he had as a young boy was provided by his
father who earned a living as a carpenter. The problem is with today's definition and understanding of equal.
Many times people are looking to get the most for the least, or even free. This is, of course, not a sustainable model.
It is true that salvation cannot be purchased or sold, not even through service. It is a gift that comes from a loving God.
We are simply providing a tool to help others find God in greater measure in the hope that together we can build a better
tomorrow for all of us.
Q: Which of the two books should I read first? (KB 23-Jul-2018)
A: It is recommended that you read Volume 1 - Alive in Christ - the Gift first then
read Volume 2 - Knowing Christ Personally - The Personal Invitation.
Q: Will there be more than the two volumes which have been given to us so far? (JW 26-Aug-2018)
A: Yes, volume 3 is in preparation now and should be available next summer.
Check back on the website for updated release information.
Q: I live in the UK. Is there anyway I can order and have the books shipped to me here? (LH 16-Aug-2018)
A: Yes you can order the books from the website. You will need to pay for both the books and an additional $25 per book for shipping to the UK.
This is the lowest shipping rate to the UK we have currently been able to find.
Q: I feel the power of these books, and I am convinced of their origin. I would like to share this information. Do I have your permission? (TF 2-Sep-18)
A: We firmly believe the author of all Truth is our Heavenly Father. As you stated, "I am convinced of their origin". As such, we would
be very happy to have you share these truths with others. We would only ask you to be in prayer about the method in which you share this
information. Also, we would caution you that some may not be prepared to receive these truths in the manner in which they are presented - Christ
in the first person.
You may also have some ask to know the author of these writings. The credited writer of these works is "Anonymous", because some are not
open to the true origin of these writings, even though they believe in revelation. We trust you will make the right decision, and offer you
the very best in your efforts to be a true follower of Christ.
With that being said, you certainly may share this material, but you may not reproduce it.
Q: On page 21 in Knowing Christ Personally what is the meaning of the word. MORPH into knowing? (JW 27-Jun-2018)
A: The meaning of MORPH in this sentence is: to transform or be transformed completely.
So the sentence can be expanded as follows:
Your understanding of your greatness on this earth will be transformed completely into a sure knowledge or a testimony of your greatness.
Updated: 28-Apr-2019
His Personal Invitation to Step into Godliness.
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