Knowing Christ Personally is not a book about Christ. Knowing Christ Personally is a book by Christ.
This book is His affectionate yet powerful and personal invitation, delivered in His own words, beckoning those who are courageous, believing, and who long for more and to come to Him personally to receive!
He will take you beyond what you ever perceived a relationship with Him could be like. He will open up to you new possibilities that you never thought you could obtain. He will teach you precious truths that will change your heart and your life.
You will feel His loving watchfulness over you individually, calling you closer to Him like a wise Shepherd who keenly understands what the unwary sheep do not yet understand.
This Preview offers samples of topics from various chapters, presented in direct quotations of His words.
I Am Lifting This World Up - from Chapter 2
"This is the day. This is the time in your earth life when this closeness is not only offered but will be experienced in greater
and greater portions. I am lifting this world up to a new vibration, a new way of being, a higher order of light and Love and law.
It will not be like the world that has been. I will come again upon this earth; the time is not far away. You will probably be here at that time. If that is to be, then you will be prepared physically to be in My presence. I am preparing many now for this before I descend from My heavenly home to this earth and remain here.
We are to prepare together for that event by having you come and know Me, know My presence in you, know My mind in you, know My heart and feelings in you... These will all be stronger than you have ever had before until you are clear and sure that I am constantly with you in everything that you do."
An Entirely New Feeling and Power - from Chapter 5
"You may find yourself doing the same things that you have always done, but they have an entirely new feeling, a new power.
This feeling is not stressful, constricting, or limiting. It is life giving! It frees you! It opens you up, and fills you with wisdom
until you are filled to capacity! Then it becomes a flowing, peaceful, joyful, natural way of being kind to another, wise in listening
to another, understanding another, and being patient with another.
You are then filled with the very same patience, love, understanding, kindness, and acceptance that your Holy Parents have for you. You can give it out because you have it in you.
You are even patient, kind, accepting, and loving to yourself. You will still make "mistakes" because you still do not know how to do all things, yet you accept it: I am learning! I am discovering! I am practicing and exercising again and again! I am evolving!"
The Fullness of Your Perfection - from Chapter 9
"I am offering you the fullness of your perfection. The seeds of perfection are in you; they are in stages of development. Let My Light
shine upon these seeds of perfection, the godliness in you. Let My Living Waters come in and fill you, dwelling within and giving you power
to grow. Then shall you go and move forward in your life until you experience this perfection.
There are so many that keep this gift small. The immensity of what We want to give, what We can give, what We desire to give, comparedto what is being received, is beyond your ability to comprehend! Even your percentage numbers could not describe the difference from where mankind is as a whole, compared to what is offered."
A Vast Matrix of Light - from Chapter 11
"There is an energy pattern that goes out from those of us in the heavens from the Father through Me, and from Me into all the world.
It is a vibration of energy, a series of rays of light woven into a matrix which is a vast communication network, an immense cosmic transmitter
of all the divinity that is from the heavens above and the divinity of all truth that exists even in your world.
It connects everything and every person in the world! It even connects those that are not in the world. It connects everything; and it is a transmitter of all the vibrational energy of all We are. It is the eternal way.
I, as the Creator God that I Am, continually send into the light matrix of the world a vibration, a networking, a transmitting of Holy Divine energy. I send all that I am, all that the heavens are, all that creates orderliness, and all that is beautiful..."
Your Personal Sphere of Self - from Chapter 14
"You moved forward in different levels of progression before you came into this beautiful world. Now you are learning to master your physical
form and to deal with the physical world that surrounds you. These two are interrelated because you cannot get to know the world and all that
is around you without also getting to know yourself-your own physical self.
When you have complete mastery of your own physical body, you will also have mastery of the physical world around you.
No one else is in charge of your domain and your own personal world. Even when you give your will to Us, We just add Our will to yours and send it back expanded! Then there is an amplifying of the power of your own ability!"
His Personal Invitation to Step into Godliness.
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